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About Our Excavating Company Serving MD and PA

Hobbs Excavating LLC is a locally owned and operated site work and utility contracting company based in Fairfield, PA. We serve residential and commercial clients throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland on various projects. Our company is small enough to cater to our residential customers’ unique needs on minor jobs but big enough to handle large-scale site work for commercial clients and municipalities. Customer satisfaction is incredibly important to us, and we look forward to serving you.

truck with trailer and excavator

Our Story

Our owner, Steve Hobbs, started this company in 2001 with a single backhoe and a promise to provide honest and thorough work. His early jobs were focused on residential projects, such as digging foundations, grading around houses, and building septic systems. Today, with more than 20 years of experience, the company has grown to serve many different municipalities, universities, site developers, and residential customers. When you partner with us, we promise to deliver the best service possible, stay within your budget, and exceed your expectations.

excavator putting dirt in the back of a dump truck

Our Services

We serve a vast array of needs for our customers in the region. With a large selection of specialized equipment, our crew can install utilities, haul materials and equipment, and break through ground made up of just about any material. We follow industry standards in everything we do to ensure you get the best results possible. Our complete list of services includes:

  • Excavation & Land Grading
  • Stormwater Management
  • Stream & Waterway Restoration
  • Septic System Work
  • Demolition
  • Utility Installation & Repair
  • Sidewalks, Parking Lots, & Roadways
  • Snow Removal
  • Petroleum Installation & Repair
  • Material & Equipment Hauling

Schedule Us for Your Commercial or Residential Project

Get your next job off on the right foot with the reputable services of Hobbs Excavating LLC. We’ve been part of countless projects since 2001 and are proud to offer a wide range of solutions for commercial and residential clients throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland. Contact us today to get an estimate.

Schedule an Estimate Today With Hobbs Excavating LLC