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Solutions for Sidewalks, Parking Lots, and Roadways

Hobbs Excavating LLC is a local provider for concrete, stone, and paving services for sidewalks, parking lots, roadways, and driveways for any commercial or residential setting in Pennsylvania and Maryland. We deliver professional results at competitive rates for long-lasting, high-quality work.

new sidewalk

Residential and Commercial Concrete Services

Concrete is one of the most durable products for driveways, parking lots, sidewalks, and other heavily traveled surfaces. Property owners benefit because it doesn’t require very much maintenance and resists cracking and shifting when the site is properly prepared. Its versatility enables it to be poured in various shapes and tight-fitting areas, making it suitable for any application. We offer concrete services for:

  • Sidewalk Installation & Repair
  • Curb Repairs
  • Concrete Patching
  • Generator & HVAC Pads
  • Driveways
  • And More
paved drive

Residential and Commercial Paving & Milling Services

Most driving and parking surfaces throughout the country are paved asphalt because it is a reliable and cost-effective option to create a durable, long-lasting surface. Whether you need to install a residential driveway, a commercial parking lot, or pave miles of heavily traveled roads, we’re here to handle the job. We can perform complete tear-outs of existing pavement or milling services to level and remove only the outermost layers. We complete the job with careful and beautiful paving services, and our work includes:

  • Roads
  • Intersections
  • Driveways
  • Walking Paths
  • Speed Bump Installation & Repair
  • Asphalt Removal
  • Asphalt Repair
  • Asphalt Milling
  • Patch Paving
  • And More
gravel road

Residential and Commercial Stone Driveways & Parking Lots

Stone offers a unique style to driveways and parking lots that can complement the surrounding landscape and add beautiful curb appeal to any property. In addition to being a reliable material for driveways and parking lots large and small, installation is quick, and there’s no waiting period before you can start using them. Choose from different colors of stones to create a specific design with this environmentally friendly option. Uses include:

  • Walking Paths
  • Driveways
  • Parking Lots
  • Stone Pads
  • And More

Contact Us for a Concrete, Paving, or Stone Laying Quote

Hobbs Excavating LLC is a trusted provider of concrete, paving, and stone services in Pennsylvania and Maryland. We offer honest estimates and do incredible work for our commercial and residential clients. Contact us today to get your quote.

Schedule an Estimate Today With Hobbs Excavating LLC