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Commercial and Residential Utility Projects

Installing and updating utilities on residential and commercial properties is essential for convenience and productivity. Hobbs Excavating LLC has decades of experience executing impeccable work for all kinds of utility projects, including residential properties and large-scale work for municipalities. We have a full fleet of equipment and responsible crew members to deliver professional results you can rely on. Get in touch with us today to discuss your project.

residential utility

Residential Utility Installation Work

Residential utility work can be a straightforward process, but it can just as often pose its challenges. Every project is unique and we are equipped to handle the most difficult situations. We’re qualified for water hookups, gas line installation, electrical connections, and more. You never know what’s lying underneath the surface, but our crew is prepared to power through any challenges to access the required areas. We’re available for:

  • Water Line Installation & Repair
  • Sewer Installation & Repair
  • Electric Installation
  • Propane Installation
  • Sewer & Water Hookups
  • Rock & Concrete Breaking
  • Emergency Repairs
  • And Much More
commercial utility

Commercial Utility Installation Services

Commercial site utility construction is one of our specialties. We have the knowledge, equipment, and experience to complete your service needs. Our work is precise, careful, clean, and we ensure that your hookups and installations follow code for complete peace of mind. Our goal is to deliver incredible results that keep your project on schedule and within our agreed estimate. Contact us for:

  • Rock & Concrete Breaking
  • Steam Line Trenching & Repair
  • Water Line Installation & Repair
  • Sewer Line Installation & Repair
  • Electrical Installation
  • Propane Gas Line Installation
  • Emergency Repairs
  • And More

Professional Services and Utility Installation and Hookups

If you need utility line installation, hookups, or repairs, contact the excavation pros at Hobbs Excavating LLC. We cover Pennsylvania and Maryland with superior services to connect residential and commercial properties to municipal and government utilities. We work efficiently to get the job done well and correctly. Contact us to get an estimate for your site utility construction today.

Schedule an Estimate Today With Hobbs Excavating LLC