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Professional Demolition Services in Pennsylvania and Maryland

Hobbs Excavating LLC is a leading and trusted provider of demolition services throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland. Our team of skilled operators can handle any job using industrial-grade equipment to keep your project on schedule and within budget. With more than 20 years of experience, our crew has tackled just about any project imaginable. Get in touch with us today to discuss your demo needs.


Commercial and Residential Demolition Projects

No building or structure is too much for the demolition services of our skilled operators. We offer comprehensive services that tackle any commercial or residential property requirement. Whether you need demolition for a fresh start or clearing to make way for a replacement project, we guarantee our equipment will handle the job while being careful not to harm surrounding structures and landscape. Our demo services are available for the following:

  • Houses
  • Sheds
  • Barns
  • Pools
  • Concrete Structures
  • Warehouses
  • And Much More

We Are Your Best Choice for a Local Demolition Company

When you need residential or commercial demolition, count on the professionals at Hobbs Excavating LLC. Even a customer making an update at home will find our demolition services to be an affordable investment that will not only make the job easier, but also save time while ensuring the demo work is done safely. Since 2001, home and business owners have trusted us for our careful and thorough services.

Work With a Business You Can Trust

No matter how large or small a project is, it’s essential you partner with an experienced machine operator for any demolition work. While you may not think there’s a thoughtful process to tearing down a building, the proper steps and approach must be taken to do it safely. You can count on Hobbs Excavating LLC for all your demolition needs throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland. Contact us today to get an estimate.

Schedule an Estimate Today With Hobbs Excavating LLC