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Trusted Commercial and Residential Excavation Services

Excavating in Pennsylvania and Maryland

Hobbs Excavating LLC is a full-service excavation company available for residential and commercial projects throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland. We’ve been trusted by residential homeowners, universities, and local governments to deliver professional excavating services for storm water management, septic installations, and construction projects. We are committed to offering our customers exceptional services at competitive prices and look forward to assisting you with your digging or hauling needs. Contact us today to get an estimate for your project.

excavator putting dirt in the back of a dump truck

Excavation Services for Any Type of Project

We’re known for our thorough and careful excavation services throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, but our solutions include much more than just excavating. Customers count on us for a wide range of services, including snow removal. Our complete service offerings include:

  • Excavation & Grading
  • Stormwater Management
  • Septic Systems
  • Demolition
  • Utility Installation & Repair
  • Sidewalks, Parking Lots, & Roadways
  • Storm Damage Cleanup
  • Snow Removal
  • Petroleum Installation & Repair
  • Material & Equipment Hauling

A Locally Owned and Operated Excavating Company

Hobbs Excavating LLC was started in 2001 by Steve Hobbs. With only a backhoe, his early work was centered around residential jobs digging foundations, grading around houses, and building septic systems. Over the last 20 years, Steve’s business has grown to become one of the most trusted excavating operations in the area. While the fleet of equipment and customer base has grown, he continues to operate with the same level of customer care and service that helped build his business over the last two decades. Contact us to learn why we’re a preferred excavation contractor for many homeowners and businesses.

hobbs logo

Service Area
Frederick, MD
Gettysburg, PA
York, PA
Chambersburg, PA
Westminster, MD
Hanover, PA
and surrounding areas



Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Sunday By Appointment